A few thoughts on today for tomorrow

There will be no community progress until men see each other as brothers, until men see women as sisters, until men see youth as our children… we can sing, preach, teach, march to mars and back… until we re-establish love from a family perspective, the rate of death will not slow…. our open enemy is the school-2-prison pipeline…. now, how do we wage war to not only destroy it, but construct the school-2-college pipeline…. The Movement of the 21st Century is #BlackSchoolsMatter…. If Mass Incarceration is old slavery in new form then Public Schools are the Auction Block…. During 19th Century cotton-picking days Blacks were severely punished if not killed for learning to read… In the 21st Century many Black children barely read on grade level….   We must educate our children to solve the $Trillion Black condition…. What is beautiful about are present condition is our children are the problem and answer, smile…. As my brother Jhavaun Green phrased, our children are “Born Brilliant”…. There are many Malcolm’s running around in need of righteous knowledge to reveal to their mind the truth of God and Soul of Man……

We must also keep in the front of our mind #Forward2Africa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With little reciprocity in comparison to the wealth accumulated, in the face of extreme hatred Black people still have heart to love America…. How much more will Africa return the love you have been so long, singing & dancing, teaching & preaching about Black America…. the home of your kidnapped ancestors…. land, water, air, morals of America have been sold to the highest bidder and poisoned for profit…. Why not show love to land with oil, diamonds, gold, beautiful geography, abundant agriculture, arts & culture…..  This is not to say, abandoned America, our blood watered the seeds of the present harvest of prosperity America now exudes with haughty pride & arrogance….  Therefore it is owed to the descendants of enslaved Africans the America seek Justice to right the wrong of the American Plantation System with direct access & control of resources needed to feed our famished souls, teaching our children to build a better, brighter & brilliant future…. It is also necessary for us an international people to have political friends in our country of origin, you know, like Jews, Arabs, Asians, Indians…. Lets elevate ourselves from a consumer to a competitor in the society of global trade & policy……



I close this message with a charge to your soul….

Words for myself, for you, for anyone who truly cares…

If it is to be, It is up to We… I am because We are… We are because I am… You are the missing piece!!!!!!!!!!!!


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